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About The DBA

At the Dallas Bar Association (DBA), we understand the immense value of connection, and it lies at the heart of all that we do. We are more than just an organization; we are a vibrant and dynamic community of legal professionals dedicated to forging connections, fostering collaboration, and building a stronger legal landscape for Dallas and its residents.

Founded by 40 lawyers in 1873, the purpose of "the Bar Association of Dallas" was "for support of a literary undertaking and maintenance of a library." The Dallas Bar Association has since grown to more than 11,000 members and is dedicated to the continuing education of its members, as well as public service programs and improvement of the administration of justice. 

The DBA's image in the community is one of respect and influence, holding an enviable reputation among metropolitan bar associations throughout the nation.

About The Golf Tournament

This year, the DBA celebrates our 32rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament. Proceeds benefit DBA Entrepreneurs in Community Lawyering (ECL), our 501c(3) incubator program. ECL provides resources, coaching and mentoring to attorneys launching their own practices. The program “incubates” a cohort of attorneys over a one year period to help launch financially sustainable practices that serve clients of modest means – everyday people who earn too much to qualify for free legal assistance but can’t afford to pay exorbitant fees for legal services. ECL attorneys help with all types of legal matters from custody disputes and immigration to housing issues to basic estate and business planning.


Click here to view an article about the 2023 ECL Class from the April 2023 issue of Headnotes.


2025 DBA Charity Golf Tournament
Thursday, May 22, 2025
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